Volunteer overseas:

If you have a desire to serve, learn, and watch what the Lord is doing in Africa, fill out our short-term team application below.



What Short-term mission volunteers say about the Christ’s Hope!

“There was a ton of compassion and care I saw through the interactions of the leaders at the Ministry CarePoint with the kids. I can see the impact that that care has had on those kids where they are very compassionate back.”

“The model of CarePoint ministry for the children is absolutely fantastic — those kids are thriving!!!!”

“I loved the care that the leaders showed toward the kids and how they really do care how these kids turn out later in life. It was just heartwarming to see the compassion.”

“The CHI Staff are so dedicated and faithful in their service and calling to the HIV affected that it is utterly remarkable. They are organized, and responded quickly when they heard that there was a person in need. If only there were more workers and more resources to meet the the overwhelming need that there is in Kenya.”

“It was very sad and disheartening that the doctors and nurses were on strike, so the hospital situations were unbelievable but that made the care and compassion ministry even more important than ever.”

“The ministry is very organized and with the limited materials available-they do a fantastic job feeding, teaching and ministering medically to the kids. It is truly a lifesaving ministry.”


Volunteer in the US:

For more information on volunteering with the ministry of Christ’s Hope International in the US, contact Allie at allie@christshope.ca


Is your church a parter with Christ’s Hope International?

See our ‘Get Involved’ tab for more information on becoming a church partner and sponsoring a Ministry CarePoint in Africa. Help make a difference in the lives of AIDS-affected children.